INESC Lisboa is the joint initiative launched in 2020 representing INESC-ID, INESC MN and INOV, three private not-for-profit research institutions in the areas of computer science, electronics and computer engineering, and physics engineering in Lisbon. Its mission is to facilitate synergies among the institutes to promote the Research, Development, and Innovation (R&D+i) made in Portugal. INESC Lisboa is a unique research consortium in Portugal – two Associated Laboratories and two Interface Centres – taking knowledge up to the market and society.
INESC-ID, INESC-MN and INOV are part of the INESC group and have international representation through the INESC Brussels Hub.
Currently, INESC Lisboa has more than 320 researchers and an annual activity of 10+ million euros in R&D+i projects and sales and services provided. It has created 8 start-ups and since 2014 the institutes have participated in 120+ national projects, with a total funding of 17+ million euros. At European level, under Horizon 2020, the institutes have carried out 50+ projects, achieving a success rate of 13% and a total funding of 16+ million euros.

INESC-ID is a Research and Development and Innovation Organization (R&D+i) in the fields of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. INESC-ID mission is to produce added value to people and society, supporting the response of public policies to scientific, health, environmental, cultural, social, economic and political challenges. INESC-ID promotes cooperation between academia and industry by addressing research on daily life issues, such as healthcare, space, mobility, agri-food, industry 4.0, and smart grids.

INESC-MN is a leader in the field of microsystems and nanotechnology, with a leading role in the wwwopment of magnetoresistive sensors. The design and wwwopment of systems and devices performed in INESC MN is applied in nanoelectronics, ICT and biomedical applications. INESC MN owns a class 100/10 clean room infrastructure for the microfabrication of sensors and sensing devices and offers rapid prototyping services for partners and collaborators.

INOV is a Research and Technology Organization (RTO) working in higher Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) solutions in advanced communication networks, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, cyber-physical systems and remote monitoring. INOV takes this knowledge and expertise to the market and society through innovation processes with applications in areas as bio-economy, health, industry, safety and security, and telecommunications.